Hello, friends! I am so super excited right now, because I have officially made the switch over to being self hosted and although I feel like there is so much I need to learn, I am already loving it. You may have noticed a couple little updates and changes to the page, or it may still look exactly the same as far as you’re concerned, but I am trying to learn how personalized I can make things on my own before I shell out some money to get some design work done.
In other exciting news, you may have noticed the Around the Plate Recipe Guru badge that has been on my side bar for the last month or so. Around the Plate is a healthy living website with a huge community filled with “Healthy Living Champions”, “Recipe Gurus”, and “Nutrition Experts”. I was thrilled when they asked me to join and be a part of the community! If you would like to join, visit their community member’s page. As a part of my membership, I have also been able to become involved with their writers club. I recently wrote an article about Paula Deen’s diabetes announcement that is being featured on their home page, if you’d like to check it out!
Most of the past few days have been spent working and getting this transition up and running, but there has also been a lot of super cute puppy action happening lately. I mean, there always is, but these two have been sooooo sweet lately. LOOK AT!

Umm, sorry about my nasty battle wound that made it into the picture. Look at the cute puppies instead. I seriously promised everyone I knew that I would not post gross foot blister pictures on the blog and I really meant to not!

Yes, that is a tie dye snuggie. Thanks for asking. Possibly the best purchase I've ever made. Mac, I hope you're wearing yours over there in the Big Apple!
I also have the best husband ever who made me a seriously delicious dinner of split pea soup after I got stuck in a much longer afternoon than I had bargained for. Check out his cooking skillllzzz!

Okay, so split pea soup is not pretty, but you better believe it was delicious! I might have to start him his own recipe page 😉
To celebrate being self hosted, I have a new recipe coming your way tomorrow!
Glad to hear you’re having a good time as a member of thePlate Community! We love having you on board. 🙂