1. Go to Italy.
2. Complete a half ironman.
3. Complete a tandem bike race with Steve.
4. Complete a triathlon with Steve.
5. Write a cook book.
6. Run a marathon.
7. Get my BFA in musical theatre.
8. Ride in a hot air balloon.
9. Run an ultra marathon.
10. Complete a century ride.
11. Take a photography class.
12. Take a cake decorating class.
13. Visit Chicago.
14. Qualify for Boston.
15. Make my own cheese.
16. Run a Disney race.
17. Get my MFA.
18. Play life-size chutes and ladders.
19. Volunteer.
20. Make someone’s life better.
21. Eat at Paula Deen’s restaurant.
22. Go to Disney World.
23. Go on a cruise.
24. Teach Winston to jump over those obstacles at the dog park.
25. Record a cd with Hermano.
26. Start my own theatre company.
27. Go to Australia.
28. Do one of those cool balancey yoga moves that look super hard.
29. Take a dance class from Mia Michaels.
30. Brew my own beer.
31. Spontaneously call out of all my obligations, and go on a one day vacation.