So you know that moment when you have your first hot chocolate of the year? Like the real first one that doesn’t come from a powder? The kind that’s thick, creamy, rich, and decadent and makes you feel like a big jerk for not following the “don’t drink your calories rule”?
Oh yes, it happened.
I’m still real proud of my steam shots 😉 Anyway, one of my favorite things to do this time of year is get in the car with a scalding hot cup of hot chocolate (I can’t stand when it gets cold!) and go look at Christmas lights. Steve and I go at least once a year. It’s tradition. Something about the combination of the lights, the mood in the air, and the delicious treat just makes me all kinds of happy.
Buuuuuut, I have a confession. I’ve never made hot chocolate that doesn’t come from a powder. I don’t know why. That crappy diet hot chocolate has 25 calories so I can shovel pounds of whipped cream on it, or something? I don’t know. It’s silly, because this hot chocolate is sososoSO good! It’s so thick and creamy that you would think it’s made with whole milk or cream!
It was the perfect night time treat, and it’s like one of those secretly healthier recipes. You know, the kind you can make for all the people in your life that talk crap about all your Greek yogurt and vegetables. You can give this to them, then get that secret satisfaction as they slurp it all up. Then, if you’re me, you’ll yell out all kinds of unnecessary comments like “HAH!! That was healthy! I fooled you! Take that suckerrrr!” I swear, I’m very mature.
Moral of the story? Make the hot chocolate. Act super immature when you fool all your friends and family into chugging down your lightened up dessert. 😉
Gingerbread Hot White Chocolate
yield 2 servings
- 2 cups unsweetened vanilla almond milk
- 1 1/2 oz white chocolate
- dash pure maple syrup
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/8 tsp almond extract
- 1 tsp ground ginger
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- dash cloves
- dash nutmeg
- Combine all ingredients in a small-medium saucepan over medium heat. Whisk constantly until mixture is desired temperature and all ingredients are thoroughly combined.
**Note: You could also make this in the crockpot on low for 2 hours whisking occasionally.
this sounds so much better than the pumpkin coffee i’m currently sipping. i can’t believe i just said that….!!
What a fantastic drink!!! I think I’ll have to make this for my bible study Xmas party!!! Yum!! Have a great day! Spa <3
Looks lovely Your pictures are making me drool!
Mmm gingerbread and white chocolate! Sign me up for some of that! And is that what you say to me in your head when I eat/drink things you make?? I know you cringe a little every time I tell you how many pounds of butter or how much heavy cream I have in my fridge…
PS – Where did you get that lovely cup?? I NEED one! Okay maybe need was a little strong, but I really want one 🙂
This looks amazing, Ari! Your description of drinking hot chocolate while driving around looking at Christmas lights makes me feel all warm and cozy. I love this time of year so much! Must make this recipe – especially because like you I’ve always resorted to using powders. Thanks for the inspiration!
WOW! This sounds like such a fancy and delicious drink. YUM.
Mmm this sounds so good! I could use a cup of this while sitting at my desk at work at the moment : )
Perfect holiday drink! Looks very pretty on the photo.
I made mine into a latte it tasted awesome. Instead of two cups of almond milk I used 1 cup of regular milk and one cup of coffee
Sounds delicious! Glad you enjoyed it!