Hi friends! Today I am super productive in all the wrong ways. I have SO MUCH work to do, but can’t tear myself away from Thanksgiving planning long enough to do any of it. I’m a little burnt out on work, obviously. This morning started out amazingly. I got to sleep until 7:00 which is a really nice change for me, then I resisted the urge to get up and get things done and laid in bed and snuggled with my favorite guys. Winston is so funny in the morning. He rolls around and gets all up in my business and is perfectly content staying in bed for hours if I stayed there with him. I love that dog 🙂
I also woke up with absolutely no work out plan since Kara and I had decided not to do spin. I REALLY wanted to take today off because my body is tiiiiired, but I know I have to take tomorrow off in order to have fresh legs for our 7 mile long run on Saturday, so I took Winnie out on a short and easy (hah yeah right, even a jog is NEVER easy for me, but I wanted to be one of those people who talks about an “easy run” for a second) jog around the neighborhood. We went 1.6 miles, and called it good. At least I got some movement today, right? Yeah, I’m being a little lazy. Maybe tomorrow if I have time I will go and do some upper body to make me feel like less of a lame-o.
After our jog, I showered and made myself a pumpkin pie smoothie and headed top Starbucks to get some “work” done. But so far all I’ve done is decide that one project cannot be done on my computer, and spend a ridiculous amount of time browsing Thanksgiving recipes. I am hoping to get my recipes together ASAP and post them before Thanksgiving, that way if anyone would like to snag one and use it, you will be able to. So far, here is the menu
- Fresh bread (haven’t decided exactly what kind yet–suggestions?)
- Sweet potato chips with yogurt dipping sauce
- Deviled eggs (made by Steve’s mom, Lisa. Hers are deliccciiiooouuus.)
- Stuffing (still haven’t found the right recipe and stuffing is my fav part!! Suggestions?)
- Soup (butternut squash or sweet potato or pumpkin–or some combo of the 3, got any great recipes?)
- Roasted garlic mushrooms (made them last year and LOVED them!)
- Roasted veggies (This girl loves vegetables, so more than one veggie dish is totally acceptable! My mom is making these)
- My mom’s famous (at least to me) mashed sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top
- Turkey 😉
- Pumpkin cheesecake (that I will modify from this recipe. If you’ve never visited Eat Better America, DO IT!!! Tons of great healthy recipes!)
- Brownies with BUTTERMILK ICE CREAM!!! (I’ve never made ice cream, let alone tried to modify a recipe–any tips or suggestions?)
And there you have it folks, my 2012 Thanksgiving Menu! I’m so excited I can hardly stand it!! November is right around the corner, and I have my unexpected day off on November 11th to get ready and also do some early holiday shopping. I LOVE THE HOLIDAYS!!!! Also, if any of you AZ peeps I know and love find yourself without a family to spend this Thanksgiving with, PLEASE let me know. My doors are open and I would NEVER want anyone to spend this holiday alone! Sharing food with people I love is the epitome of happiness for this girl 🙂
Regular french bread recipe that comes in your kitchenaid cookbook, but throw in a huge handful of shredded parm (~1-1.5 cup?), rosemary, and a whole head-worth of roasted garlic.
I also have a really good pull-apart herb roll recipe, I’ll see if I can find it.
My mother makes a meeeaaan stuffing. And it’s my mother, so you know it’s healthy.
Can you ask her to send it to me????