Hi friends. Guess what? I’m officially getting old. As of Monday, I have joined the late 20s club. Waaahhhh. Good thing I have awesome people in my life who make getting old fun 😉 But seriously, I LOVE birthdays! They are a huge deal in my family, and every year I look forward to it and drag on the celebrations as long as possible. This year my celebration began on Saturday….with a BIKE!!!!!
I’d been really wanting one ever since Steve got his, so Steve, Bethany, Jason and Nacho all chipped in and got me one for my birthday!!!
But let me tell you, the last time I had actually been on a bike was probably at least 15 years ago, so I was a little scared. I tested out a couple in their parking lot, and didn’t die–a good sign! This one felt significantly better, and I liked that I could feel the road underneath me, so I went with it. Within an hour, Steve and I were on our bikes, taking our first ride to my mom’s house. I was super nervous and yelled at him multiple times, but I guess because he was being nice for my birthday, he just kept being nice, and was the perfect teacher!
We made it safely to my mom’s where she was hosting a family birthday dinner.
Then it was time for more presents!! YAY!! I LOVE presents…not just for the reasons you would think, but I love seeing what people choose to give me. So often, I receive these incredible and thoughtful gifts and they always mean the world to me. Anyone can go out and buy a present, but the people in my life do it with thought and care, and that’s the part that really means a lot to me!
After all the present opening, it was time for dessert!! I knew I was getting a cake the next day and an other one later this week (yeah, healthy living, blah blah blah, CAKE!), so I suggested we all go out for gelato instead of having more cake. Ice cream is my favorite anyway. We went to Gelato 64 and I had a super delicious birthday treat!
It was so wonderful to spend some time with the family and celebrate with the people responsible for my being alive in the first place! Special thanks to my mama for hosting such a fabulous and amazing night!!!
What a lovely birthday! I tend to ignore my birthday and celebrate it the weeks later. My birthday stealing daughter (whose birthday is on the 18th) gets all the thunder from my birthday (mines on the 15th) so I just tend to get forgotten. So sad…sniff sniff. I mean really cant you (the unborn child) have the decency to be born several weeks away from my own birthday? Right?