1. I am 90% sure I haven’t told you this already (if I’m wrong, I’m sorry and it won’t be the last time it happens…), but I am thrilled to announce I will be speaking at Healthy Living Summit with my fellow D&D host Nicole on video content! I am over the moon. I applied thinking it was a long shot, and I was shocked when I found out we were chosen! It’s going to be my first blogging conference, and I am stoked. Are you going? You should be!
2. So you know how cilantro and goat cheese are my favorite foods? Well, the other day, I tried to make a cilantro goat cheese pesto. It was disgusting. I kept trying to add and change things, but it was just gross, and the texture was, like…butter. Not in a good way. Ew. I can’t even explain it. Then I tried to make rosemary pesto which was also a horrific failure. I guess I should have just made this.
3. I’m on a break from teaching right now, so I’ve been home a lot more which makes Winston super happy. Clementine couldn’t care less, but Winston follows my every step. Every single day when I’ve gotten out of the shower, he’s been laying on the tile in front of the door waiting for me. Then he gets excited and acts like we haven’t seen each other in years. I wonder what it’s like to be a dog.
4. I made a press page! I don’t have any idea if I did it “right”. In fact, I had no idea what I was doing, so I looked at Sally’s and Nicole’s. I figured they did it right. Also, do people really keep track of all of their features and things like that? Am I just super disorganized?? It was cool to see a list of the things I’ve done and the places that thought I was cool enough to share. Seriously, every time someone shares one of my recipes, whether it’s a big publication or an other blogger, it makes my heart so happy. I never actually thought anyone would read this thing.
5. This video. I can’t stop watching it. I may even love it as much as Beauty and the Beat? I always drag my heels about watching youtube videos that people tell me are funny, because most of them….aren’t. But this. Just watch it. Actually, watch like the first minute of Taylor Swift’s 22 video, then watch it. You’re welcome.
6. Last weekend I played Rockband at Nicole’s house. The only song I actually knew the words to? Wannabe. I sang the crap out of that song. I got a 95% which in case you didn’t know is a solid A. Except, did you know they say “slam your body down and wind it all around”? I’ve been singing “slam your body down and party all around” since about 1996.
7. I really hate that stupid eagle pose in yoga. BTW, I love yoga now. Like, actually love, and I want to do a real post explaining my change in tune, but right now I just want to complain about stupid eagle pose because I SUCK at it. The only good thing about it is getting to go into star pose after. That one’s fun. Also, I’m working on my headstands. I can get to it, but then it’s so hard to get my legs in the air. I tried today and they made it up for about .5 seconds. HOW DO YOU GET THEM TO STAY???
8. I recently (I know so late to the party) started watching Dexter. To say I’m obsessed would be an understatement. Like, I can’t go to sleep because I want to watch “just 1 more” episode. About 7 times. I’m really into anything psychological, and I have a huge fascination with mental illness (freak?) and all of the psychology of a serial killer, and the backstory along with ideas of why we become “what we are” is totally up my alley. I’m only at the beginning of season 2, so if you give me any spoilers, I swear our friendship will be over. I’m already too good at guessing and I hate it.
9. I spent all this time cleaning out my office so that I could actually use it to do work from home, but I can’t seem to make myself work anywhere other than my couch, standing at the kitchen counter (weirdo…not comfortable) or my dining room table. I think it’s the idea of a smaller room getting me down? I don’t know. I’m a freak.
10. Please tell me I’m not the only one with powdered sugar all over my DLSR? This is a common issue, right? My photographer husband doesn’t seem to find it common. Or cute. Or endearing. Or amusing.
11. I discovered the countdown app. I’d been meaning to get it for a while, but now I think I may have a problem…
What’s on your mind? Tell me awesome things.
I love that Spirit of the Marathon is on your countdown! We’re going too 🙂
I’m not working right now, only a 10-month employee, and our dog follows me all over the place.
You are so famous. Awesomely famous.
Alsooooo…I always sang the lyrics to Summer Girls (LFO), “I like candle making but I hate Footloose” until probably about three months ago when I realized the lyrics were “I like *Kevin Bacon*”. Because DUH. So no judgement.
And gosh darnit of course there’s a countdown app that now I’m going to go download. RIGHT NOW. Because I’m obsessed with countdowns.
I love your press page – lots of cool things on there! Also I need to get that countdown ap!. love it!
That’s so awesome that you’ll be speaking at HLS! I hope to go some year, but can’t make it this time.
Congrats on HLS! Why couldn’t you have been there last year???? Can’t make it this year but I know you’ll be great.
Eagle pose? Love it! How could you hate it? 🙂
That video made me die laughing!! Thanks for sharing! Now I think I have to add it to my facebook and share the laughter! 😉