Maintaining weight loss and healthy habits can be difficult after the high of dropping the weight wears off, but it’s totally achievable and today I’m sharing my 5 healthy tips for maintaining weight loss, even without a scale!
Whew…this is a post I’ve been wanting to put together for a long time. It’s also one where I open up about a whole bunch of feelings–“I’m an actress! I have all of them!“–anyone else have The First Wive’s Club memorized? I watch it about once a month. Anyway, first a little history lesson if you’re new around here.
- In 2008 I began my weight loss journey. This was actually round 2 for me after dangerously and unhealthily dropping about 50 lbs in high school, then gaining it all back + about 30 more.
- I started at 230 lbs. About a year in, I had lost 60 lbs and hit a big, huge, annoying plateau. I finally was diagnosed with Hashimotos, and with the combination of figuring out my meds and starting to run, I lost an other 10ish.
- Now I live anywhere from 155-160ish. I’m embarrassed to admit that, and I know that’s stupid. In fact, I didn’t want to put it in bold. Sometimes it makes me feel like a healthy living hoax because I have this idea that I should weigh less.
- I never expected this to be my maintenance weight. And I still wish it wasn’t. Like, everyday wish it wasn’t. But this is where I can eat dessert, and not count every single calorie. This is where I can work out hard, eat mostly healthy, drink wine and bourbon, and eat fro yo. I made the (hard) decision that I wanted to feel freedom more than I wanted to hit what I thought was my goal weight.
- I also threw out my scale. So for my weight, take it with a grain of salt. I don’t get weighed at the doctor, and I don’t weigh myself at home. If my pants start to feel tight, maybe I’ll rethink that, but I have truly never been happier than when I broke up with the scale, and *gasp* I didn’t magically gain 30 lbs when I did it either.
- This is me. This is where my body lives, and I’m learning to accept that. I’d be lying if I said I was totally thrilled with this, but I can do a lot of things that lots of “skinny” people can’t. I can lift heavy things, and I am running faster than I have ever run in my life. I am always looking to improve my health and fitness, but I accept that this no longer means a number on the scale, and I am so much more interested in seeing a number at a finish line.
Okay, so let’s actually talk about maintaining weight loss because it’s a beast of it’s own. I had a hard freaking time when my weight loss stopped. I am a numbers person, and I had measured my progress for an entire year by seeing the number on the scale drop. This is the moment when so many people give up and gain the weight back. I’ve seen it so many times, and the one thing I know is that I don’t ever want to have to start my journey all over again. I feel like it’s a fear we all have, right? Anyone who has lost weight has the fear of gaining it back. Just like if you’ve experienced a running injury, or lost your job–it instills this fear of it happening again (and again, and again…).
I’ve put together a few tips that have worked for me to maintain my weight loss (even sans scale).
Set new goals: For me this meant running goals, and now goals at CrossFit as well. I was so bored with my normal workouts. The scale had stopped. I needed something. I decided to train for my first 5k, then my first half marathon, and now 2 full marathons and a half ironman later, I still have to constantly set new goals for myself so I have something to work towards. This can be a new time goal, a new workout plan all together (that’s how I fell in love with CrossFit), a new lifting goal, or even just upping your workouts from 3x per week to 5. There is seriously nothing better than knowing you succeeded in completing your goal!
Have fun in the kitchen: This little blog has been a life saver for meal boredom. Food is meant to be enjoyed. I am not one of those food = fuel people. We have 5 senses, and each one is meant to be enjoyed. I love to look at beautiful things, listen to music, and eat delicious food, and that’s not something I plan on trying to change. Figuring out healthy ways to enjoy your favorite foods is key. Look for inspiration to keep from getting bored, and challenge yourself to try new things in the kitchen, even if they intimidate you!
Make healthy friends: I am a social butterfly. I love to talk. In fact, my friends at CrossFit are constantly making fun of me for being so chatty. In fact, when I told them I have a friend that talks more than me during workouts, they told me I was never allowed to bring her in! Anyway, I love spending time with friends, and having friends to run and workout with makes me want to do it. Also, having friends that share your values makes it so much easier for dinner parties / going out to eat /staying accountable. Not to mention, some of my favorite people have come from a mutual passion for healthy living.
Find new ways to track your progress: Okay, so this is kind of similar to setting new goals, but I used to literally see the scale drop every single time I stepped on it. It has been a loooong time since life was like that (it was AWESOME!), but I do see progress (almost) every single week at the track. Track workouts are my favorite thing. I get to run with friends, and I can see my improvement so clearly. For example, a few weeks ago I had 3 mile repeats that I completed at 8:49, 8:39, 8:32 and I was thrilled. This week at the track I did 3 mile repeats in 8:17, 8:09, 7:47. Now, I’m not saying I see that much progress every time (this was particularly excited and shocking for me), but I can always look back at previous track workouts and see my progress. This is equally exciting to me as seeing the drop in the scale, and it keeps me motivated to stick to my healthy lifestyle so I can continue to improve. Have you ever tried to improve your fitness while eating like crap? Yeah…it doesn’t work out very well. So whatever it is that you enjoy, find a way to track some progress and celebrate your improvements!
Ditch your old clothes!: Ummm, if your new clothes start getting tight, are you going to drop a bunch of money on a whole new wardrobe, or are you just going to reign in your diet a little? There’s no point in hanging onto clothes from the past “just in case” because just in case isn’t going to happen. You’ve made it this far, you know what to do, there is no going backwards!
What about you? Any tips or advice for keeping it off?
Lisa says
I think this is really good and I agree with you. Like you, I lost a lot of weight and went into maintenance mode. After losing 110 pounds I maintained it for nearly 7 years (I’ve gained about 10 back). I’m struggle to get back down below my goal weight, even if it’s only 10 pounds. My body just isn’t doing it like it did the first time. Also, I got about 10 pounds UNDER my goal weight but was never able to stay there very long. I’d much rather be able to enjoy things like wine and beer, desserts and the occasion pizza and “junk” food than to completely deny myself EVERYTHING just to stay at an unrealistic goal weight.
Ari says
You lost an entire super model! That is seriously so incredible Lisa. I feel like our body’s ideal weight isn’t something that stays the same over time. I mean, I’m sure as we get older things change, just as if we start lifting heavier our body composition and healthy weight could change–that’s why I ditched the scale. You are a total inspiration, and there is just something (at least for me) about talking with anyone who has gone through the journey that they just get it in a way no one else can. Thank you so much for the comment, and for “getting” that part of me. 🙂
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
You’re pretty freaking amazing, ya know? And you’re SUCH a great example of how to approach weight loss in a level-headed way. I especially love what you said about setting new goals and finding new ways to track progress, because I feel like at some point the weight loss mentality really has to shift over to a get and/or maintain health to keep discouragement and frustration from setting in. And the bit about living life and having fun instead of killing yourself to try and fit into a smaller pair of jeans? Couldn’t agree more.
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. at a glance – january 2015 .
Ari says
Thanks so much lady! And yes, it is soooo true, plus if I fit into smaller jeans I’d have to buy a whole new wardrobe and as fun as that sounds… 😉 I always love reading the happy and positive place you approach food/health as well, especially considering how far you’ve come! xoxo
Lindsay says
I think you look fantastic and strong, like an athlete! BUT my favorite part about you is your infectious smile and genuine heart!
Ari says
Gahhhh I love you! I am seriously so grateful to have you in my life. And end sappy moment.
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf says
You are amazing and incredible and awesome. Love you.
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf recently posted…Friday Round-Up: Snowy Days
Ari says
There is nothing better than a perfect compliment from someone you truly look up to. Love you!!
carla_birnberg says
for me the biggest thing has been CONSISTENCY!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama says
You are amazing Ari! Finding new habits and friends who enjoy your new habits is huge help. Great tips!!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama recently posted…Mid Winter Classic 10 Miler Recap {2015}
Ari says
Thanks so much lady!
Maureen says
I can so relate to this. I have PCOS and dropping weight is beyond hard. So my healthy/happy weight is a bit higher than I’d like it to be. I still have a ways to go {lost a good amount, then put back on about 10 pounds}, but I am much happier now and know that this can take awhile. I will second getting rid of old clothes…the minute I did that, I stopped putting weight back on. Thanks for sharing this!
Maureen recently posted…6 Ways to be Heart Healthy – American Heart Month
Ari says
There are so many things that contribute to where that “happy number” (or not so happy number for many of us mentally) lives, and I love how positive you are given the challenges your body is giving you! I’m so glad that you’re in a happier place with it and finding patience. The most important thing is just doing our best every single day, whatever that may mean on that day. 🙂