Last Saturday, Steve and I went up to The Talking Stick Resort to celebrate Nacho turning 30. Jason went all out for Nacho’s birthday, getting both of their families in town, and planning an amazing surprise party. He wanted to have an “out of town” feel, so he rented a beautiful suite at the resort and we had the party there–so fun! Steve and I got there early to help get everything set up. Jason and Christy don’t consider themselves to be very artistic, so I was put in charge of decorating, and I was thrilled to be in charge of something help out.
I made sure to bring my own knife to cut the cake later since we wouldn’t be at a house. Well, after talking about how Jason, his dad and Christy all love to watch true murder stories on television, obviously we had to reenact what that looks like.

Jason's dad,Russ. His is definitely the scariest! Don't worry Russ, I will make sure to NEVER make you angry!

Hey face, what's up with all those wrinkles? Maybe you didn't get the memo that I'm not actually old yet.
After getting everything set up, we went down to the buffet where everyone was meeting for dinner.
Once everyone had arrived, we headed in to eat. Most people seemed to really enjoy the buffet.
After eating, Nacho opened some of her cards and presents.
He still didn’t even know we had a room and he seemed a little confused as to why we went to this resort to eat at the buffet, haha. He also mentioned that he couldn’t believe I hadn’t made his birthday cake. Usually I suck at being sneaky, so I felt pretty awesome that he had no idea about it. We finished things up at the buffet.
Then we blindfolded Nacho to try to keep the room as much of a surprise as possible!
Just kidding 😉
We opened some bottles of wine and some beers, and all hung out for a bit.
Then it was time for BIRTHDAY CAKE!!! Home made fro yo cake to be exact. When I asked Jason what he thought Nacho wanted, he mentioned that he had really loved the cake we got for my birthday from Yogurtology, so I tried my hand at creating my own.
Yummmm. It was gone in about 10 minutes. I was so worried about what we’d do with the leftovers, and there weren’t any! Eventually everyone headed down to the casino, but Steve and I were exhausted, so we went home around 10:30. We’re old. 😉
Jason totally outdid himself on the party planning! It was so much fun, and such a great idea!