Okay, before I get to telling you about a week of training full of lots of amazing firsts, I just need to discuss the season premier of Glee that I embarrassingly watched last night. Do you watch Glee? Despite how truly awful the writing has gotten, I always continued to watch. Why? Well, you wouldn’t believe how many of my teaching jobs are named “Glee” or at least inspired by/modeled after the TV show. And, if I’m being totally honest, at the end of last season, I really did find myself caring about stupid Rachel Barry and if she would be able to pursue her dreams and major in musical theatre in a fancy NYC conservatory program. However, last night I watched the newest season premier, and while Rachel cried in the rain, only to turn around and find her BFF Kurt standing behind her rescuing her from her slutty roommate, I kind of felt like I might need to break up with Glee.
Sorry, I just needed to share that with someone, and Steve didn’t seem particularly interested. Shocking, right? He did go see Step Up Revolution with me though, so he earned himself a night off from discussing musical theatre for the moment ๐ Okay, anyway, let’s talk about last week’s training! Here’s how it went down:
Monday: 7 mile run.ย Ran with Nicole, and the weather was awesome! It’s finally starting to cool down (although this week, it’s back to the 100’s, so maybe I should knock on wood?) and I noticed a huge difference effort wise. After a 3 mile warm up, we ran the last 4 miles in 9:22, 9:15, 9:18, and 8:10. I died a little on the last mile, but overall the run felt amazing, and the first 3 working miles felt so much easier than they have been!
Tuesday: Rest.ย I just mentally wasn’t really feeling it this morning. I needed some me time, and decided it was better to take the day off from spin than to miss a running day.
Wednesday: Track.ย I guess my day off was a good idea, because I had the most amazing track work out! I did a 1.2 mile warm up, then we did all those silly looking running drills (dear b skip: you are not my favorite), then we got to work. The plan for the day was 1600 @ 10k pace, 1200 @ 5k pace, 800 @ mile pace, 400 sprint, with 400 recoveries in between. As soon as we started the first mile, I started to get into a bad mental place. I was on pace, but I just kept watching all the faster runners whizzing by me, and I started to get really down on myself. Around the third lap, I was right on pace with 2 faster guys on the team. They had passed me, but then I was sticking right behind them, and my coach yelled to me not to let them get away, so I spent the 4th lap awkwardly pacing them from behind before finally asking to just join them, and try to keep up. They told me their pace goals, and it definitely made me nervous, but I committed to holding on for as long as I could. Well, I stuck it out the entire work out, felt what it was like to actually think I was going to puke, but not stop, and ended up with some of the speediest running I’ve ever done!
As you can see, the recoveries got slower and slower as the working laps got faster and “OMG IS THAT A 6?!?!?!” fast. Actually for the first 200 of that sprint, my watch saidย 5:41ย but that’s when the puke feeling came, and I slowed my role into what is still BY FAR the fastest lap of my life. Holy freaking accomplished feeling. I love the track ๐ Also, by the end, I couldn’t remember who had passed me, and I couldn’t have cared less. And I realized how much more I push myself when I keep up with other people I *think* are faster than me. I need to step it up, stop doubting, and give 100% more often.
Thursday: 10 mile bike.ย This was the weirdest day. I set off with Nicole on our usual easy ride to coffee. On the way, we saw a UFO. Okay, actually some people say it was a missile from New Mexico or something, but I still say it was a UFO.
Then as we were getting to coffee, Nicole’s bike got pissed, protested and threw her off. What a jerk. Luckily she was okay, but it didn’t stop me from having some choice words with her bike for messing with my friend like that. Not cool.
Friday: 17.03!!!!ย Check out my novel length in depth recap because I’m in the “OMG can’t talk enough about running” phase. What?? You can’t go on without seeing the splits from this run too? Oh okay, if you insist ๐
Saturday: Rest. I wanted to get an easy bike ride in, but time wise it just didn’t work out. After running the longest distance of my life the day before, I wasn’t too concerned.
Sunday: 3.5 mile run.ย I still had a recovery run left to get done, so I ran with Jason up in Prescott. It was hilly, and there was that whole elevation thing, but we averaged about a 10:30 pace after I had to insist to speedy that we slow the F down because “RECOVERY RUNS ARE SLOW!!!!” The last time I ran with him, he ran closer to an 11 minute pace. Stupid boys get fast so quickly. The run was mostly good, but I rolled my same ankle for the 89th million time, and it hurt the rest of the day. Lame.
Total running mileage for the week: A new high for me ofย 32.6 miles!!!!ย My first time hitting 3o in one Monday-Sunday week!
Your turn! Tell me about your training!!
Congrats on such a great week of training! I was wondering what you used to log your splits like that? I am trying to improve my pace and looking for tools to help keep me on track. Thanks!
It took me so long to figure this out, actually! Do you have a Garmin? I plug mine into my computer, then I upload it using my garmin connect account (http://connect.garmin.com/), and then there is an option to click “splits” and it shows up, then to post it, I take a screen shot. It’s not as pretty, but you can also go through them on your garmin history if you want to check them right away, which I do after every single run…sometimes during ๐
Aha! Good to know. ๐ I do not have a Garmin – yet. I have just been using the Nike+ app, but I have a friend that has offered to give me an old Garmin watch. I take it you recommend them! ๐
Yes!! I love mine, and since buying mine almost a year ago, I have bought ones for both of my best friends. To be fair, I haven’t tried any others, but from what I’ve read online/seen at races, Garmin is what almost everyone uses, and I mean I just want to be like all the cool kids ๐
Congrats on crossing the 30-mile marker. It’s so interesting to read about other people’s training. Keep up the good work, and I’ll see you NYC.
Thanks! ๐
Still amazed by your awesome long runs. Love it!
As for the thing in the sky, my husband saw it too and called me. I rushed outside but didn’t get to see it. Like you, he took a photo. No matter what, it’s freaky.