I’d been asking Steve if we could start decorating for the holidays since my epic day off on November 11th. He had been a big jerk kindly told me that we were not going to be “those people” and we had to wait until after Thanksgiving. Well you better believe the first thing we did Friday morning was get out the tree!
Did you catch out menorah ornament? Mom? Dad??
Last year we bought some basic colorful (of course) ornaments and then a few personalized ones that we plan to add to each year. I pick one out every year that represents Steve and he gets to pick one that represents me. I bough the penguin one to represent *us* and Lisa got us the engagement one for Christmas. I think that one’s my favorite. Either that or my Lion King ornament that Bethy got me when we lived together. It was my very first ornament and our roomie Christmas was one of the best ever!
We also put up some decorations around the house. Most of them are from Hobby Lobby and Target, two of my favorite stores on Earth!
It wasn’t until Sunday that we finally got to the outside decorations including one extra special decoration! Steve did most of the work while I played assistant and photographer. Winston was scared and hid inside and Clementine played spectator.
Just to warn you, I took a lot of pictures. It’s my first time getting to document the experience! 🙂
Finally, it was time for the main event! You remember this guy don’t you??
Putting him together was…well…interesting.
Clementine was very confused by the flamingo.
We still have some more lights and decorating to do, but we’re off to a great start and I am pretty much puking up holiday spirit. Did I mention that I love this time of year?
What are your holiday/decorating traditions?