Lately, I have been having the weirdest (for me) craving. All I have wanted to do is make french toast for breakfast. This is weird for me, because usually I like my french toast with super thick, fluffy, grainless white bread with a big glob of butter on top. This why I haven’t had it (with the exception of pumpkin bread french toast that I made for Thanksgiving) in years. No matter what I can say about indulging every now and then, I just don’t feel good when I eat that way. Physically or mentally. So I usually go for whole wheat pancakes when I want a sweet carby breakfast. But this time I had an idea and I had been waiting for the right opportunity to try it out. Well friends, today that time finally came!
As usual, I looked at a couple recipes online for inspiration, then did my own thing 🙂
French Ezekiel Banana Toast
yeild 2 servings (2 slices each)
- 4 slices cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread
- 3 egg whites
- 1/4 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
- 1 banana
- 1-2 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tsp vanilla extract (I wanted to use almond, but sadly we were out)
- 1 tbs sugar free maple syrup + extra for topping
- chia seeds (optional)
Yogurt Topping
- 1/2 cup non fat vanilla Greek yogurt
- 1 tbs peanut butter (I used PB & Co White Chocolate Wonderful. I suggest you do too 🙂 )
1) Beat egg whites, vanilla, milk, cinnamon, 1 tbs syrup, and half of the banana with an electric hand mixer
2) Soak bread (the longer, the better!)
3) In a small bowl, beat yogurt and peanut butter together with an electric hand mixer
4) Place soaked bread on a sprayed nonstick pan over medium heat
5) Sprinkle with chia seeds if desired
6) Pour remaining soaking mix on top
7) Flip after about 5 min (when bottom is golden)
8) Sprinkle with more chia if desired
9) Cook approx 3 more minutes on second side (until golden)
10) Slice remaining half of banana in half length wise
11) Place banana on pan, sprinkle with cinnamon and cook for about a minute on each side
12) Plate and serve!
Prepping the soaking batter
Showing some love for Ezekiel bread–it really is good! No one believes me. Buttholes. 🙂
Ready, set, cook! Notice the scrambled eggs cooking in the background? We were completely out of dog food. Whoops. So the puppies got a specially prepared breakfast. Clementine of course dug right in, while Winston is a big scaredy cat had slight anxiety over the change. I had to feed him by hand assist him in his eating endeavors. No pictures of that–Win has a reputation to uphold!
It was so delicious. I can’t believe it was my first time making a healthy french toast. It was also super easy and I will definitely make it again and again!
In other news, I finally broke down and tried the tofu I bought @ TJ’s last week. I wanted so badly to like it. I put it in a huge delicious salad. I’m sorry tofu lovers, but I HATED it. I’m throwing the rest in the garbage. My tastes have changed and developed quite a bit, and maybe a different tofu would have been better, but I’m definitely going to be put off by it for quite some time.
Tomorrow is Skinnified Sunday!!! My mom, Hank and Charlie are coming over to enjoy with us. I love cooking for my family. It is probably my very favorite. They have done a lot for me and I like being able to share my love of cooking with them!
Hope everyone is having a fab weekend!!
Yum looks delicious! 🙂 im book marking this to try one lazy Sunday! 🙂
Yum!! Love your kitchen as well. 🙂
Thanks!! The kitchen was a BIG part of the decision making process when we bought our house. I am so spoiled–I don’t like to cook anywhere else :O)
I love that bread!