I used to have this really bad diet coke habit. Okay, sometimes I still have a really bad diet coke habit. I try to hydrate and drink water and be a good little healthy living blogger doing all those things we all know you’re supposed to do, but sometimes a girl needs some flavor in her drink. PS, my brother insists on saying “drank” instead of “drink”. It’s so annoying. You’re almost 16 years old, Hermano. Please learn the English language! Anyway, as I was saying, I like some flavor. I also prefer an ingredient list short than the constitution, and with words I can actually pronounce. When the nice people over at Cascal offered me a sample of their new natural soft drink, I was stoked to try something different!
These were delicious, and they are all naturally sweetened with only 60-80 calories per can. They’re perfect for after a workout when you want a yummy drink with some natural sugars to refuel!
The ripe rouge was probably my favorite. Chocolate and cherry? Sign me up!
Good news friends!! There’s something in this for you too! The fabulous folks over at Cascal have offered a free sampler pack to one lucky US reader!
To enter:
- Leave a comment that makes me laugh.
- Like Cascal on facebook, then come back and leave a comment telling me you did.
- Follow Cascal on twitter, then come back and leave a comment telling me you did.
- Like Ari’s Menu on facebook, leave a comment (you get it by now).
- Follow Ari’s Menu on twitter, leave a comment.
- Subscribe to Ari’s Menu via RSS or email, and let me know about it!
Giveaway closes Sunday 9/9 @ midnight. I’ll randomly pick a winner, and announce it on Monday 9/10.
Full disclosure: I received no compensation for this post, only product samples. All opinions are my own.
michele malone says
how about a joke?
Q. what’s brown and sticky?
A. a stick
Ari says
I like that one 😉
michele malone says
I follow cascal on facebook as michele malone
michele malone says
I follow cascal on twitter as @lolamichele
Kalee says
I teach math, and the kids could tell when I gave up Diet Coke because I would make silly mistakes on the board or throw out a random “honey child!”. I don’t know if that’s funny or just sad–but either way I hope it makes you laugh. 😛
Ari says
Definitely made me laugh!
Kalee says
I follow Cascal on Twitter. @kaleesorey
Kalee says
I follow you on Twitter. @kaleesorey
Aki! says
Honey Boo Boo could drink this instead of her “GoGo Juice.” I don’t even know what’s in that stuff!
Love the slim bottles though.