Today is my wonderful, amazing friend Kara’s birthday! You may recognize her from yoga, spin, or bodyworks. Last night, a group of us went to Gordon Biersch to celebrate.
Ok, so would you like to know just how addicted to Starbucks I really am? I promise, it’s related. I met Kara because she is a barista at one of my Starbucks (yes, I have 2 that I go to–one by the gym, and one by the house. Don’t judge me). In addition, every single other person I knew at this table (other than Stevie of course), I know from Starbucks as well. When they start inviting you to their birthday dinners, you may have a problem. OR you just might be so cool that everyone you encounter wants to be your friend. Let’s go with that one!
We had a super fun night. I was actually a little nervous because other than Kara and her roommate Charlie, I had never really interacted with anyone there outside of Starbucks or the gym, and sometimes, believe it or not, I get pretty shy and nervous around new people, but everyone welcomed into their group and was super nice and I had a great time. Of course someone as amazing as Kara would come with great company!
Bekki hates pictures, but she’s so pretty!
Of course, I made dessert!
Which Kara and I fed to each other
It was a great night and I was happy to be able to celebrate with everyone! And of course while we were leaving, Steve had to stop and take more pictures 🙂
His pictures are getting so good! Visit his blog and send him some love! 🙂